benefits of essential oil

What are the Essential Oil? How to use them?

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Essential oil have so many benefits but you need to know more about them.

What is an Essential oil?

Essential oil are extracted from different plants and parts of plants through a process called distillation or by anew method called cold pressing. The oil captures the unique scent of a plant or a flavor which we can also call an “essence”.

Using essential is great for your health and wellness. Aromas of essential oil stimulate areas in your brain that affect your emotions and behavior. The benefits of essential oil has therapeutic properties and its aroma is more subtle. People often confuse essential oil with fragrance oil.

So, what is fragrance oil? Fragrance oil is a man-made synthetic product that is created in a lab. Fragrance oil does not have any therapeutic properties they are only used for smell. Sometimes fragrance oil does include essential oil in it but it is just a chemical combination. There are so many benefits of essential oil that you should know

Essential oils can degrade when they are exposed to heat, light, or oxygen. You need to make sure that you store them in a dark airtight space. It is important to store essential oil in a glass container that can be tightly sealed and not in some plastic jar. An essential oil should be kept in a cool location so it can last for a long time.

And Essential oil is highly concentrated so it is important that when you are using them you must dilute them. You must get used to essential oil and know how to use them which oil suits you before including oils in your daily routine.

benefits of essential oil and how to use them

There are so many benefits of essential oil that you should know

Essential oil actually works! Many studies have shown that essential oil such as lavender oil can help you calm down reduce your anxiety and help you with your good night’s sleep.

They’re easily accessible so you don’t have to worry about where you need to buy them or anything you just need to make sure the essential oil you are purchasing how is manufactured. Usually, the cold-pressed essential oil can be more beneficial.

They are effective in so many ways and powerful so you can easily use them in your daily life.

The essential oil can be used in multiple ways and through various DIY.

Essential oils can be used for your skin, cough, joint pain, and many more. So, you can use essential oil in multiple ways and can absorb the benefits of essential oil.

Essential oil is great for your skin and hair you can have the benefits of essential oil by using skincare products that have essential oil.

benefits of essential oil for your skin

How to use essential oil in your day-to-day life?

When choosing your essential oil make good research about them about its manufacturer as well so it will be good for you and your family. The most common ways you can use essential oils are.

essential oil for your skin


You can have the benefits of essential oil included in your skincare. Now there are many products you can find which have essential oil already included in them such as soap, lip balm, face moisturizers, and more. But if you are more interested in directly using essential oil in your skincare you have to do your research beforehand.

Essential oil is fat-soluble which means it can be easily absorbed by your skin. So, if you want to use essential oil you must dilute them in some other oil. The other Oil are called Carrier Oil and you must know what are carrier oil. Make sure you know what kind of oil you are using and how to use them in proper measurement. Rubbing diluted oil on pulse points can be great as it is easily absorbed into your bloodstream.

Essential oil and it's health benefit

2. Inhale

The next better way to use an essential oil is by using them as a scent. Aroma of essential oil can have a major impact on your mood and your emotional state. And you can apply a small amount of essential oil on your pressure point where you usually use perfume such as on your wrist or near the ears.

You can also put the essential oil on a tissue and can breathe slowly and deeply. You can also put that tissue in your purse. Use tea tree oil in your shampoo which will leave your hair smell good.

Essential oil for diffuser

3. Diffuser

So diffuser is a machine that has water in it and when you add essential oil into it breaks the essential oil into smaller particles which then the diffuser sprays into the air. Now when the essential oil is sprayed into the air your room smells amazing as the aroma from the essential gets dispersed in the air and you can inhale the benefits of essential oils.

Even if you have pets and you occasionally use scented candles or air purifiers to hide the stinky smell or you just want your home to smell good a diffuser can easily replace any air purifier and leave you with all the healthy benefits of it.

essential oil for cleaning products

4. Homemade cleaning products

Essential oils have antibacterial properties which can be beneficial for our health. When using essential oil for your home cleaning products you can easily make your DIY recipes according to your choice. And the additional benefit of essential oil is it will always leave your house smelling good. You can easily use essential oil in the bathroom and kitchen cleaning supplies.

When you are beginning with your essential oil you should only use essential oil in limited proportion before so you know if the oil does suit you or not. Some people are allergic or cannot stand the smell of essential oil it is better to take precautions.

Please, don’t buy huge expensive bottles of essential oil only go with sample size and start with one or two different essential oil once you get to know how to use it properly you can then explore the world of essential oil.

Don’t use an essential oil on your pets as it is not good for them. If you are using any kind of diffuser then you can always leave a little crack in your room so if your pet does not as they can just simply leave. The essential oil has amazing benefits if they are used properly.

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3 thoughts on “What are the Essential Oil? How to use them?”

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