Top 7 Must-Have Crystals

Top 7 Must-Have Crystals

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Crystals are always been the talk of town for it’s numerous benefits. But do you know what kind of crystals are must have?

You might be wondering how you might ever choose the proper crystal for you, but this is where we apply our very first crystal-working lesson. It all comes down to developing self-confidence and allowing your gut feelings lead the way.

You must be wondering How does a Crystal work? How to use them?. But it is definitely easy and you can learn it too.

Crystals have been used for centuries for their physical and emotional healing powers. They have become increasingly popular in recent years as more people are discovering the benefits of incorporating them into their daily lives. In this article, we will be discussing my top seven favorite crystals, starting with rose quartz.

Rose quartz Must-Have Crystals

1 Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is a beautiful crystal that is usually found in a pale pink color, although it can also be found in a dark reddish color. It has been known to have powerful emotional healing properties and is often associated with love and relationships. This crystal is a great choice for those wanting to attract love or improve their relationships.

Rose Quartz is a powerful tool for emotional healing and can help to promote feelings of love and compassion. It is often used to reduce stress and anxiety and can help to create a sense of calm and tranquility.

Rose quartz comes in different shapes and forms, including crystal wands, rough pieces, tumbled stones, and hearts. You can also wear rose quartz as jewelry, making it a versatile crystal that can be incorporated into your daily life in various ways.

In addition to its emotional healing properties, rose quartz is also believed to have physical healing properties. It improves circulation, boosts the immune system, and even aids in weight loss.

Amethyst Crystal for beginner

2) Amethyst

Amethyst is a crystal that is associated with the heart chakra and is known for its ability to open up one’s heart to love, including self-love. This stunning crystal can be found in many places around the world, including Brazil, South Africa, and Madagascar.

Higher-grade amethyst has a darker shade of purple, while lower-grade amethyst has a lighter shade of purple. In addition to being a great protection stone and aiding in emotional healing and clearing away negative emotions, amethyst is also beneficial for reducing anxiety and promoting calmness.

Another benefit of Amethyst is its ability to help with decision-making. If you have been feeling overwhelmed or unsure about a particular decision, Amethyst can help to clear your mind and provide clarity. Meditating with Amethyst can help to set intentions and give you the guidance that you need to make the best decision for yourself.

Clear Quartz for beginner

3) Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is a popular crystal that amplifies the energy of other crystals and helps with mental clarity. It is useful for meditation, intention setting, and decision-making. Clear quartz can be found in various shapes and sizes and is a great tool to have in a crystal collection.

The fact that clear quartz can hold, amplify, and transfer energy is among its most amazing properties. It can therefore be programmed with specific intentions and utilized to channel energy to achieve a certain objective. As it can help to amplify your intentions and make them come true, it is a great crystal to use for manifestation.

Clear quartz is also great for clearing the mind and promoting mental clarity. It can be used to reduce stress and anxiety and to help you focus on the present moment.

 Clear quartz is a versatile crystal that can be used alone or in combination with other crystals. It can help clear your mind and amplify your intentions, making it a valuable tool for meditation, manifestation, and decision-making.

Clear quartz can also be used to charge other crystals and is available in various forms like points, clusters, and tumbled stones.

Selenite for beginners

4) Selenite

Selenite is a magical crystal that can enhance your life in many ways. Its pure white light and cleansing properties make it a popular choice for crystal enthusiasts.

The fact that selenite enhances your life is one of the factors contributing to its popularity. In addition to being visually pleasing, its pure white light is also invigorating on a spiritual level. It can facilitate communication with angels, spirit guides, and your higher self.

Another benefit of selenite is that it can purify your energy field and aura. When you wish to eliminate bad energy and encourage positivity in your life, it is a fantastic tool to have. Like amethyst, selenite is also very beneficial for the third eye and crown chakras.

However, you do need to be careful with it. You don’t want water to touch it because it will begin to break down.

Pyrite Crystal for beginners

5) Pyrite

Pyrite, also known as “fool’s gold,” is a powerful and versatile crystal that is believed to have many beneficial properties. This crystal has a bright, shiny metallic appearance and is often used as a decorative stone. However, it also has many metaphysical properties that make it a valuable tool for spiritual and emotional healing.

Pyrite is said to be a great crystal for boosting self-confidence and self-worth. It is believed to help release negative energy and promote positive thinking, making it an excellent crystal for those who struggle with feelings of insecurity or self-doubt. Pyrite is also thought to help increase focus and concentration, making it a great tool for students or anyone who needs to stay mentally sharp and alert.

In addition to its emotional and mental benefits, pyrite is also said to have physical healing properties. It is believed to help improve digestion and reduce inflammation, making it a valuable tool for those who suffer from digestive issues or chronic pain. Some people also believe that pyrite can help boost the immune system and promote overall physical health and well-being.

Pyrite is often used in meditation and energy healing practices. It is believed to be a powerful grounding crystal that can help connect the user to the earth and provide a sense of stability and balance. It is also thought to help protect against negative energy and promote spiritual growth and development.

Citrine Crystals for beginners

6) Citrine

Citrine is a beautiful yellow-colored crystal that is known for its ability to hold a lot of positive energy. It is said to be a powerful manifesting tool, great for mental clarity, and helpful in achieving your goals. Citrine is also believed to be a grounding tool, beneficial for the root chakra and solar plexus.

Many people like to keep citrine on their desks or in their workspaces to help them manifest their goals and promote creativity and clarity. Its energy is said to be so strong that it doesn’t need to be charged often as it constantly recharges itself.

The appearance of citrine is often similar to smoky quartz, but it has a distinct yellow color that sets it apart. It is a popular crystal among those who are interested in crystal healing and is believed to be useful for various physical and emotional ailments.

Lapis Lazuli Crystals for beginners

7) Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a beautiful blue crystal that is known for its many healing properties. It is believed to be a powerful tool for opening and balancing the third eye chakra, which is associated with intuition and spiritual awareness. This crystal is also known to be helpful for the throat chakra, which is connected to communication and self-expression.

this crystal is great for your third eye and throat chakras. Blue crystals are known for their communication properties, and lapis lazuli is no exception. It is believed to bring inner peace and help you get rid of negative energies. You can place it on your throat chakra to improve communication and self-expression.

Lapis lazuli is also said to have the ability to help release negative energies and to promote a sense of calm and clarity. It can be a great tool for those who are feeling stressed or anxious, as it is believed to promote a sense of peace and tranquility.


No matter what Crystals you choose if you don’t believe in them they will not work for you. Belief is the main factor when it comes to Crystals to work for you. And another important thing is to check the quality of Crystals. You need to buy crystals from trusted sellers.

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