Top 12 Crystals to Have as a Beginner

Top 12 Crystals to Have as a Beginner

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As a beginner in the world of crystals, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for you. Crystals have been used for thousands of years for their healing properties and can help you on your spiritual journey. In this article, we will discuss the top 12 crystals to have as a beginner with their health benefits and how to use them.

Crystals are naturally occurring minerals that have been used for their healing properties for centuries. Each crystal has its unique energy and vibrational frequency, which can be used to balance and heal the body, mind, and spirit.

Crystals are used in meditation, energy healing, and can be carried with you as a talisman or amulet. They can also be placed around your home or workplace to promote positive energy and protection.

Know about best crystals to have as a beginner and know how to use Crystals.

Clear Quartz Crystal as a beginner

1.Clear Quartz

This crystal is known as the “master healer” and is the most versatile crystal. It amplifies energy and can be used for any purpose, including enhancing psychic abilities, meditation, and healing. Clear quartz can also be used to cleanse and charge other crystals.

This quartz stone is famous for promoting spiritual development, expelling harmful energy, and giving those who may be experiencing difficulty a sustained lift as well as emotional stability. Additionally, clear quartz serves as a powerful booster and aura cleanser.

Amethyst Crystal for begginers


 This purple crystal is used to promote calmness, balance, and clarity. It can help with addiction, anxiety, and insomnia.

Amethyst is a stone that encourages in-depth reflection, calmness, and an enduring sense of tranquility. It also supports decision-making. On a physical level, people who have trouble falling asleep may discover that amethyst aids in gently calming your mind so you can sleep peacefully.

Amethyst is also believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness.

Love Quartz Crystal of love for beginners

3.Rose Quartz

 This pink crystal is known as the “love stone.” It promotes self-love, harmony, and unconditional love. It can also help with heart-related issues, such as heartache and emotional stress.

It helps in healing old wounds, tearing down barriers that no longer serve you, and expanding your capacity for unconditional love and trust. The rosy glow of this stone is an excellent choice for those who wish to focus on strengthening ties, developing compassion, avoiding codependency, and improving their capacity for self-care.

Grounding Crystal for beginners

4.Black Tourmaline

This grounding crystal can be used for protection against negative energy. It can also help with anxiety and stress. Black tourmaline is believed to transmute negative energy into positive energy.

You can bet that no negative energy will enter your forcefield when you have the Black Tourmaline around. This stone can ground you in seconds, and once our root is anchored to the ground, we no longer have to worry about external forces disturbing our foundations.

Citrine crystal for beginners


This yellow crystal promotes abundance, prosperity, and positivity. It can help with self-confidence, creativity, and manifestation. Citrine is also believed to cleanse and energize the chakras.

Citrine is also known as the merchant’s stone, in honour of its good fortune and opulent riches. This stone wants you to succeed and will supply you with whatever you need to do so. For starters, its warm energy bathes you in a sense of brilliance, giving you the courage to go out and pursue all of your wildest goals. It’s also an excellent stone to keep nearby if you suffer from chronic fatigue or any other energy-sucking condition.

Selenite to cleanse and purify other crystals


This white crystal is used to cleanse and purify other crystals. It also promotes mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual growth. Selenite can be used to access angelic consciousness and higher guidance.

It is recognised for giving security for your energetic fields and space, as well as brilliant clarity and eyesight. Selenite is an excellent stone for energy transmission and for reminding us that we may build our own sacred place in our body, mind, and soul. It immediately relieves anxiety and stress and promotes healthy insight, allowing you to blossom into your magnificent sense of self.

Fluorite for beginners


This colorful crystal can help with focus, concentration, and decision-making. It also promotes emotional balance and can help with anxiety and stress. Fluorite is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness.

The fluorite’s colour will indicate which chakra it activates.

When fluorite is pure or white, it predominantly activates the head chakra, resulting in mental clarity and harmony.

Yellow fluorite is a solar plexus activator, providing joy, confidence, positivism, and self-assurance.

Blue fluorite activates the throat chakra, assisting you in finding your voice and speaking your truth loudly and proudly.

Rainbow fluorite (often just purple and green, sometimes more of the above colours) is possibly my personal favourite.

It roots and stabilises you while also enhancing your intuition, psychic ability, creativity, and connection to the divine and higher consciousness.

Hematite for beginners


 This grounding crystal can help with physical and emotional pain. It can also help with concentration, focus, and courage. Hematite is believed to absorb negative energy and create a protective shield around the body.

It firmly establishes us, triggers our survival instinct, and enables us to face our fears and summon our strength. Hematite is your guiding star to bring you there whether you need it for treating an addiction, avoiding toxic individuals, finding your voice, or learning to step beyond of your comfort zone.

Lapis Lazuli for beginners

9.Lapis Lazuli

This blue crystal promotes communication, self-expression, and inner truth. It can also help with anxiety and depression. Lapis Lazuli is believed to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness.

The throat chakra is connected to lapis lazuli, which enables us to speak our truth to the world. When the throat chakra is open, we may express our requirements with vivacious assurance. You can utilise lapis lazuli to connect with both your own wisdom and the wisdom of the universe in addition to using it to open the throat chakra.

Amazonite is a green crystal that is often referred to as the "Stone of Courage" or the "Stone of Truth."


 This green crystal promotes balance, harmony, and self-discovery.

Amazonite is a green crystal that is often referred to as the “Stone of Courage” or the “Stone of Truth.” It is believed to promote balance, harmony, and self-discovery. Amazonite is also thought to have a soothing effect on the nervous system and can help with communication and emotional healing.

Amazonite is typically associated with the heart and throat chakras. It is believed to help with communication by opening up the throat chakra and promoting honest expression. Amazonite can also help with emotional healing by soothing feelings of anxiety, fear, and anger.

 It can also help with communication and emotional healing. Amazonite is believed to soothe the nervous system and dispel negative energy.

Pyrite for beginners


 This golden crystal promotes abundance, prosperity, and manifestation. It can also help with confidence, creativity, and motivation. Pyrite is believed to protect against negative energy and enhance willpower.

Pyrite is an excellent stone for increasing strength and stamina, not just physically but also emotionally. It assists people in breaking free from stagnant and depressive energies and encourages confidence to soar.

Tiger's Eye for beginners

12.Tiger’s Eye

This brown crystal promotes courage, strength, and self-confidence. It can also help with decision-making and manifestation. Tiger’s Eye is believed to enhance creativity and practicality.

Tiger’s eye is also one of the best gemstones for beginners because it is widely available and simple to utilise.

 This stone stimulates our root and sacral chakras, which, when awakened, provide us with feelings of security, stability, and safety, as well as creativity, passion, and intimacy with others.

Each crystal has its unique energy and can be used in different ways depending on your intention. It’s important to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly to keep their energy clear and balanced.

What is the most common crystal to buy?

The most common crystal to buy varies depending on personal preference and intended use, but some of the most commonly purchased crystals include Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Citrine, and Black Tourmaline.

How do I choose my first crystal?

First things first, figure out what’s missing inside you before seeking out the stones’ help. That way, you’ll know what you truly need before looking elsewhere for answers. Trust your gut and follow your intuition to find what’s right for you.

If you feel drawn to a particular crystal, listen to that inner voice. Your subconscious will guide you towards the perfect gem for you. Once you’ve found it, you can establish a connection and start benefiting from its properties.

Remember, the power of the stones comes from within you. They’re simply tools to assist you on your journey. So don’t rely solely on them to fix your problems, but instead use them as a supplement to your own efforts.

So go ahead and explore the world of crystals, but always trust your instincts and use them in conjunction with your own inner strength. Together, you’ll find the balance you need to live your best life.

How many crystals should you start with?

The number of crystals you should start with depends on your personal preference and budget. Some people prefer to start with just one or two crystals, while others may prefer to start with a larger collection.

As a beginner, it’s often recommended to start with a small collection of 3-5 crystals that you feel drawn to and resonate with. This will allow you to focus on getting to know each crystal individually and learn how to work with them effectively.

As you become more comfortable with using crystals, you can gradually expand your collection based on your needs and interests.

Can I mix crystals together?

Yes, you can mix crystals together. In fact, many people believe that combining crystals can enhance their properties and create a synergistic effect.

 However, it’s important to choose crystals that work well together and have complementary energies. For example, Clear Quartz can amplify the properties of other crystals, while Amethyst is often used for enhancing intuition and spiritual awareness.

You can experiment with different combinations of crystals and see which ones work best for you. Just remember to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly to ensure that they are working at their optimal level.

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