How to spend time effectively

How to spend time effectively and be productive

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Thinking How to Spend time effectively? Being productive is really important when we have lots of free time on our hands. And it is the best way to make great use of your free time rather than scrolling social media endlessly.

Social media can really be entertaining and engaging but is not a great way to spend hours on it. Instead of that, you can clearly make great use of time to find things to do that you actually like and make you feel good.

Whenever I spend most of my time on social media, I don’t really feel good afterward and I remember that in the meantime I could do so much in that span of time. But it can be really hard to avoid social media when notification keeps popping up constantly.

And for all the notifications to avoid I did one solution and that is turning off notifications from social media apps like YouTube and Instagram. And if I am going to watch YouTube, I usually watch on the laptop which is a little hard to access.

Instead of scrolling mindlessly, you can do these productive things in your free time

1 Backup your laptop or phone

2 Watch something productive

3 Write a letter to your friend and relative

4 Make a birthday list

5 Make a personalized gift for your friends

6 Give yourself a spa day

7 Write something like a note to self or a blog post

8 Start journaling

9 Turn off your net and declutter all your photos from mobile and laptop

10 Make a photo wall

11 Make a vision board

12 Learn a new language

13 Declutter old family photos

14 Make a scrapbook

15 Create a manifestation journal

16 Watch documentaries about things you like

17 Upcycle old clothes in your closet

18 Read a book that you always wanted to read

19 Create a bucket list

20 Create a playlist

21 Do meditation

22 learn yoga

23 Join Online fitness channel

24 Rearrange the furniture in your room

25 Take personality list

26 Unsubscribe from the mailing list

27 Delete Old Emails

28 Update your resume

29 Make Birthday wishlist

30 Throw away old pens

31 Create a log book

32 Write your weekly goals

33 Sell your unused and unnecessary stuff

34 Search Side hustle online

35 Create a no-spend challenge

36 Create your budget

37 Create a saving goal

38 Write an ebook

39 Research money-making app

40 Do your laundry

41 Do some house cleaning

42 Meal prep for next week

43 Meal prep for the next day

44 Prep weekly clothes

45 Create some healthy snacks for a week

46 Create an emergency kit

47 Organize your closet

48 Create a first aid kit

49 Clean your fridge

50 Organize your junk drawer

51 Clean and declutter your jewelry

52 Finish an unfinished project

52 Declutter one corner of the room at a time

52 Alter the clothes which need to be altered

53 Create a recipe folder

54 Try out a new recipe

55 Plan your next vacation

56 Research for fitness inspiration

57 Create a Visualization board

58 Have a power nap

59 Change your sheets

60 Change your curtains

61 Dance

62 Listen to Podcast

63 Go for a bike ride

64 Go on a walk

65 Join a Book Club

66 Contact your old friend

67 Cook something for others.

69 Declutter your entire house

70 Learn something entertaining

71 Create a board game

80 Do art

81 Collect Crystals

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