10 Indoor Activity for kids

10 Amazing Indoor Activity to Spend more time with your kids

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Nowadays most kids are stuck to their pads or phones. They don’t like to spend time outside and similar parents are busy with their jobs and other schedules. But parents need to spend more time with their kids. Usually, kids copy their surroundings so if parents are stuck to their so do the kids. With so many kids expecting screen time these days, many parents are looking for new methods to entertain their children. Also, with today’s technology, we might become attached to our devices, which we all know isn’t ideal; we need genuine connections, especially with our families.

We can always have some cool memories from our childhood and we do want kids to have their Simple pleasures such as going swimming in a pool or taking nature walks can create lasting memories. So it doesn’t matter if you don’t have time in the day but if you are free at night time you can still do this activity with your kids! Your kid must know that you are there with them and that they will always cherish this moment.

Scrap book indoor activity for kids


Scrapbooking is a fun and creative way to preserve important memories such as photo collections, keep souvenirs and mementos and express your artistic side. You can easily create one of your Kind through DIY. Choose quality scrapbooking supplies including the best scrapbook paper, pens, and stickers.

Cake decoration indoor activity for kids

Cake Decorating

This activity is fun and yum at the same time. You get to spend time together and teach your kid the art of cake decoration and also by introducing them to new colors. This activity can help them learn how colors are coordinated and how baking is done.

coloring basket gift for kids

Coloring Basket

You can create a coloring basket all with the coloring supplies like crayons, watercolor, brush, and pens. And a coloring book for you and your kid. If you want to use only one book you can do that as well where you two decide to color the same picture. Again, this activity will help your kid to know more about color and this activity can easily be turned into a hobby that they can carry on later on.

Jewelry making indoor activity for kids

Jewelry making

Jewelry making is the easiest one all you need is the right supplies and you do this. You can easily find jewelry-making kits online.

You can create beautiful jewelry with Crystals. Crystals are great to have around and you should know how to use them.

Game night with kids

Game night

Game night is the best way to come together as a family and spend more time with each other. You can simply play games with cards or any board game in general. If you have enough space you can easily go for games like hiding and seek.

Movie night for kids

Watch a movie together

Yes, I said no screentime but if you are just too tired to engage with your kid then you can easily go to watch a movie together. There are so many inspiring movies from which kids can learn a lot. Don’t just show them a movie for entertainment but point out good manners from that movie character and tell them how it is important.

indoor games for kids

Build something

If you have a Lego set you easily create a building or something with it. You can also create different things like building cars from the csetsset there are so many different sets available on the market.

reading books for kids

Read Book

Booking reading is a great way to engage with your kid. You can tell them nighttime stories by reading a book and if your kid is old enough you can tell them to read a storybook which helps them to understand words and improve their reading skills.

Indoor garden for kids


Gardening can be outdoor as well as an indoor activity. If you have indoor plants, you can take the help of your kid to create space for your indoor plants. If you don’t have indoor plants then you can buy them here is our beginner’s guide to indoor plants.  These plants are easy to take care of and your kid will learn to take care of other things.

Writing letter indoor activity for kids

Write letter

Writing a letter to grandpa or grandma on their birthday or any holiday is a great way to introduce your kid to writing. This will improve their skills and knowledge and it is a fun activity to do together.

Painting pot for kids

Paint Pots

Painting is a fun activity and if you are going to have an indoor garden you can paint pots in which you can place those plants. Playing with colors is fun and your kid and showcase their artistic side.

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